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Here's a workflow video of me going through crunch time working on several scenes for the pixelscapes just before my our cross reviews. 


Sphere Beacon; is a mirrored landscape floating upon vast landscapes. It is a way finding volume of light that reflects and bends the image of the horizon. At night it is an artificial moon for events to occur in the most unlikely of places. 

I was playing around with displacement maps on Octane to get this effect. These are standard blackbody emission nodes with varying colours. The alphas were assigned to the opacity channel.

I was playing around with this technique with other variations. Here's the other;

Outdoor Cinema; a re-imagining of an outdoor screen made up of millions of Pixlers to form a display of lights and sounds.

Other variations; 

Pixelscapes; Several Replicators V5 working in tandem. Currently in IDLE thus undulating several membranes of pixelscapes forming an overscape onto the island.