NewsE ApostolMarch 05, 2019project files Last of the Tower Series NewsE ApostolMarch 05, 2019project files
NewsE ApostolFebruary 02, 2019image trains, project files The Everyday Project NewsE ApostolFebruary 02, 2019image trains, project files
NewsE ApostolSeptember 03, 2018process, future spaces, videos Process Videos NewsE ApostolSeptember 03, 2018process, future spaces, videos
NewsE ApostolApril 15, 2018WORKS, cinema4d, octane, artwork, texture packs, photography, future spaces Future Facade Displacement Map Packs NewsE ApostolApril 15, 2018WORKS, cinema4d, octane, artwork, texture packs, photography, future spaces
NewsE ApostolSeptember 13, 2017crawler, muse What does a Crawler look like?! NewsE ApostolSeptember 13, 2017crawler, muse
NewsE ApostolAugust 21, 2017WORKS, cinema4d, octane, artwork, blender3d Project Files NewsE ApostolAugust 21, 2017WORKS, cinema4d, octane, artwork, blender3d
NewsE ApostolAugust 18, 2017ascii, thursday, details ASCII Art NewsE ApostolAugust 18, 2017ascii, thursday, details
NewsE ApostolAugust 11, 2017AJ, stories, muse, conjecture Spaces of Strengthening spaces of quetioning NewsE ApostolAugust 11, 2017AJ, stories, muse, conjecture
NewsE ApostolJune 25, 2017oxfordmuse, archdaily Visit some pretty awesome work - NewsE ApostolJune 25, 2017oxfordmuse, archdaily
NewsE ApostolJune 02, 2017Oxford School of ArchitectureWORKS, Zone5 Welcome to the idea of Project (:) NewsE ApostolJune 02, 2017Oxford School of ArchitectureWORKS, Zone5
NewsE ApostolMay 30, 2017muse, mountains, landscapes, videos The Beauty of it All NewsE ApostolMay 30, 2017muse, mountains, landscapes, videos
NewsE ApostolMay 29, 2017augmented reality, retina implants, muse, virtual reality, future spaces, videos The Future is Here NewsE ApostolMay 29, 2017augmented reality, retina implants, muse, virtual reality, future spaces, videos
NewsE ApostolMay 28, 2017Oxford School of ArchitectureWORKS, exhibition, Zone5, Oxford UK NewsE ApostolMay 28, 2017Oxford School of ArchitectureWORKS, exhibition, Zone5, Oxford UK
NewsE ApostolMay 16, 2017School of ArchitectureWORKS, visualisations, after effects, Zone5, videos Project (:) NewsE ApostolMay 16, 2017School of ArchitectureWORKS, visualisations, after effects, Zone5, videos
NewsE ApostolApril 13, 2017muse, London, data visualisation, drawings, future spaces, videos 422 South | NATS - Future air traffic patterns for London NewsE ApostolApril 13, 2017muse, London, data visualisation, drawings, future spaces, videos
NewsE ApostolApril 08, 2017workflow, Zone5, Pixelscapes Workflow NewsE ApostolApril 08, 2017workflow, Zone5, Pixelscapes
NewsE ApostolMarch 15, 2017environments, visualisations, workflow, WORKS, replicator, Pixelscapes, videos The Virtual State - Replicator Array NewsE ApostolMarch 15, 2017environments, visualisations, workflow, WORKS, replicator, Pixelscapes, videos
NewsE ApostolMarch 15, 2017WORKS, workflow, Zone5, replicator, Pixelscapes, virtual reality, videos The Virtual State - WIP NewsE ApostolMarch 15, 2017WORKS, workflow, Zone5, replicator, Pixelscapes, virtual reality, videos
NewsE ApostolMarch 13, 2017motivation, muse, videos What's Next Conference Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote | Belgium 2017 - YouTube NewsE ApostolMarch 13, 2017motivation, muse, videos
NewsE ApostolMarch 11, 2017universe, spatiality, mass, conjecture, videos This is the Most Detailed Map of the Universe to Date NewsE ApostolMarch 11, 2017universe, spatiality, mass, conjecture, videos
NewsE ApostolMarch 08, 2017society6, artwork, WORKS New Society6 store! NewsE ApostolMarch 08, 2017society6, artwork, WORKS
NewsE ApostolFebruary 28, 2017twitter, citymaps Tweetping - Awesome twitter mapping NewsE ApostolFebruary 28, 2017twitter, citymaps
NewsE ApostolFebruary 28, 2017twitch, WORKS, workflow, shadow, drawings, videos On Twitch NewsE ApostolFebruary 28, 2017twitch, WORKS, workflow, shadow, drawings, videos