Welcome to the idea of Project (:)

A final look into a project I have been working on throughout my final ever academic year in Architecture! And probably one often misunderstood due to its nature of highly speculative precedents and design jargon. Quite simply, it is an idea of simulated reality and the notion to loosely interpreted its form (in many ways) is what makes it slightly more fun to look at than accept as possibility/fact. Nevertheless working on it was nothing short of a steep learning curve outside of conventional architecture. And yes, it is definitely something I would like to continue doing...probably forever.
Most of what it has become, is due to the support from Zone5. For that, this is a REAL ZONE5 project #zone5expo. Don't forget to look up the rest of the things we do at Zone5.uk. Right, I do realize I'm ending here off tangent.

Professional couch potato and magnitude participant in the vast science of thinking in nothingness. An architecture trained creative constantly questioning our everyday designed life. Currently a long time contributor to the future world in architecture.