NewsE ApostolDecember 19, 2016awareness, movies, muse, psyche, photography The Man in the High Castle - concepts NewsE ApostolDecember 19, 2016awareness, movies, muse, psyche, photography
NewsE ApostolDecember 19, 2016augmented reality, awareness, conjecture, psyche, future spaces China's New "Social Credit Score" Brings Dystopian Science Fiction to Life NewsE ApostolDecember 19, 2016augmented reality, awareness, conjecture, psyche, future spaces
NewsE ApostolNovember 15, 2016augmented reality, conjecture, muse, psyche, Oxford UK, future spaces David Greene: The Big Nothing NewsE ApostolNovember 15, 2016augmented reality, conjecture, muse, psyche, Oxford UK, future spaces
NewsE ApostolMarch 25, 2016blur, conjecture, edges, manipulations, muse, psyche, WORKS, displacement, image trains, Oxford UK, future spaces Untitled X NewsE ApostolMarch 25, 2016blur, conjecture, edges, manipulations, muse, psyche, WORKS, displacement, image trains, Oxford UK, future spaces
NewsE ApostolOctober 30, 2015enlightenment, instagram, modernism, psyche, Oxford UK, photography On Modernism NewsE ApostolOctober 30, 2015enlightenment, instagram, modernism, psyche, Oxford UK, photography
NewsE ApostolOctober 20, 2015conjecture, lines, psyche, sketch, photography Restrictions NewsE ApostolOctober 20, 2015conjecture, lines, psyche, sketch, photography
NewsE ApostolJuly 21, 2015awareness, blur, carpark, manipulations, mustard, psyche, shadow, WORKS, image trains, writing Inkling NewsE ApostolJuly 21, 2015awareness, blur, carpark, manipulations, mustard, psyche, shadow, WORKS, image trains, writing
NewsE ApostolJune 30, 2015manipulations, psyche, redstone, displacement redstone displacement NewsE ApostolJune 30, 2015manipulations, psyche, redstone, displacement
NewsE ApostolJune 23, 2015psyche, terra, typology, writing Terra NewsE ApostolJune 23, 2015psyche, terra, typology, writing
NewsE ApostolMay 01, 2015corners, psyche, shadow, image trains, photography, National Design Centre Adaptation NewsE ApostolMay 01, 2015corners, psyche, shadow, image trains, photography, National Design Centre
NewsE ApostolMarch 10, 2015blur, psyche, writing Projecting Victory NewsE ApostolMarch 10, 2015blur, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolMarch 06, 2015blur, lyrics, psyche, writing Dancing Stress NewsE ApostolMarch 06, 2015blur, lyrics, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolFebruary 02, 2015conjecture, edges, psyche, writing Postmodern Edges NewsE ApostolFebruary 02, 2015conjecture, edges, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolJanuary 26, 2015awareness, lyrics, psyche, writing Immediate Sector of the Universe NewsE ApostolJanuary 26, 2015awareness, lyrics, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolNovember 29, 2010awareness, conjecture, psyche, urbanism, writing What is a Feral City? NewsE ApostolNovember 29, 2010awareness, conjecture, psyche, urbanism, writing
NewsE ApostolFebruary 17, 2010blur, manipulations, psyche, questionmark, WORKS, image trains Seeing It NewsE ApostolFebruary 17, 2010blur, manipulations, psyche, questionmark, WORKS, image trains
NewsE ApostolFebruary 10, 2010awareness, conjecture, psyche, writing transition NewsE ApostolFebruary 10, 2010awareness, conjecture, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolSeptember 29, 2009awareness, conjecture, psyche, writing Plaster Lining NewsE ApostolSeptember 29, 2009awareness, conjecture, psyche, writing
NewsE ApostolJuly 08, 2009blur, cage, conjecture, glass, muse, psyche, image trains, writing Like Glass and the 2 Feet Cage (remastered) NewsE ApostolJuly 08, 2009blur, cage, conjecture, glass, muse, psyche, image trains, writing